Hello! Long time!
I would like to present a hidden functionality which can help you to determine shipping points based on storage location.
Sometimes, customers would like to monitor the quantities under storage location (when they are not used to use the Special Stock movement types) or monitor how much quantities are sold from a specific storage location for strategic purposes.
Even this can applicable to support returns, when a specific storage location may be required.
Usually SAP delivers the classical shipping point determination, which is:
Shipping Conditions + Loading Group + Plant = Shipping Point
But there is an unexplored functionality which is in IMG where we can do the shipping point determination including the storage location.
But how does it work?
This IMG path above we can set up the shipping point based on storage location.
Under “Define Rule for Determination of Shipping Point”, we have a configuration where we can set the shipping point table determination updating the “Determination Rule: Shipping Point” for delivery documents:
If you select “L – Storage-Location-Specific Shipping Point determination”, the delivery will start looking at the following table:
Why is it possible?
If you assign the delivery document under VOV8 transaction code to reference the delivery document which has changed the Determination Rule parameter, the system will start behave to look for a storage location to determine the shipping point.
NOTE: Be careful before using this functionality – this may cause side-effects. But if you are trying to find a standard way to cover your process and the business requirements fit to this functionality, go ahead!
Hope this article helps you!